Custom Eye Prosthesis
The surgical removal of the eye (enucleation) or removal of the contents of the eye (evisceration) will require the fitting of a custom ocular prosthesis. The eye prosthetic procedure usually begins approximately 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.
Our custom fitting begins with the techniques and team approach from referring physicians, assuring the highest level of care. The making and fitting of an ocular prosthesis is NOT painful and is done in our office. The acrylic artificial eye is made from an alginate impression mold of the eye socket. The time required to complete the prosthetic work is usually no more than 2 workdays. Many cases can be completed in a single day. Our

Ocularists have been professionally trained in art and sculpting techniques to create the most life like appearance. Our custom ocular prostheses are individually designed using FDA approved materials and methods. The

prosthesis is hand painted using only the finest in dry powder pigments, which provides a vibrant color that lasts many years. Once completed, the custom ocular prosthesis is worn continually, even when sleeping.